The Business Setting in Saudi Arabia
Skycore Aviation has over 10 years’ experience providing helicopter personnel around the world including Saudi Arabia. We continue our series on Living and Working in Saudi Arabia with a focus on the business setting – the calendar, environment and meetings. The...
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Living and Working in Saudi Arabia
Skycore Aviation has been working continuously in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for over 10 years. As an international provider of helicopter personnel, Skycore has sent air crews, mechanics, logisticians and trainers to support helicopter programs all over the world. ...
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Skycore Aviation Honors Memorial Day
Memorial Day is an American holiday honoring the men and women who have died while serving our country in the military. It’s observed on the last Monday of May. Skycore Aviation joins the country in its observance to our fallen. The first large observance to honor...
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U.S. Navy Celebrates its 107th year of Aviation!
This week the U.S. Navy celebrates the birthday of its naval aviation program that began with the purchase of the Curtiss A-1 Triad, the first naval aviation airplane. First Takeoff and Landing Leading up to the purchase, the Navy appointed its first aviation officer...
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Congratulations to the Army Aviation Association of America – 61st Anniversary!
Skycore Aviation recognizes the contributions of the Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA). We congratulate all past and current committee leaders and members for their support of Army aviation soldiers and their families. AAAA History On this day in 1957, Art...
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VIP Mission Equipment Make Utility Helicopters Luxurious
As Skycore Aviation continues its series, we explore how mission equipment transforms utility helicopters into VIP helicopters for "Very Important People". Previously Skycore published MedEvac, firefighting, combat, utility/multi-purpose and search and rescue...
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MedEvac Mission Equipment for Black Hawks and Utility Helicopters
As Skycore Aviation continues its mission equipment series, MedEvac (Medical Evacuation) equipment is the focus of this article. Previous mission equipment articles spotlighted combat, utility/multi-purpose, search and rescue (SAR) and firefighting. The time saved by...
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Combat Mission Equipment for Black Hawks
Skycore Aviation continues its series on mission equipment for UH-60 Black Hawks and utility helicopters with combat mission equipment. We’ve already examined how adding mission equipment turns a Black Hawk into a lifesaving search-and-rescue (SAR) aircraft, a...
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Utility Mission Equipment in Black Hawk and Utility Helicopters
Operating Utility Mission Equipment Skycore Aviation's series of articles, mission equipment enabling Black Hawks the ability to fulfill multiple roles, has discussed firefighting and search and rescue mission equipment. This article examines utility mission...
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Skycore Aviation Honors the Memory of Pearl Harbor
A "Date Which Will Live in Infamy" Skycore Aviation commemorates the lives lost, the casualties suffered and the bravery displayed on this day, seventy-six years ago. At 7:48 a.m. Hawaiian Time, the attack of the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor commenced. 2,400...
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